Identity, a double vision in a generative process
Prof. Enrica Colabella, architect
Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano,
This paper try to investigate about the concept of contemporary identity
in Art by using a generative process. After a brief introduction about some
generative tools as abduction and idea/code, the first step identifies
3 attributes/formulas as a performing structure: visionary, double,
natural, and also tree categories: words, sounds and clouds. Tree exercises. 1-
the relationship between mother tongue and translations. 2- clouds as a
discovering tool for a complex natural vision. 3- Poetry: nuances for music. An observation : Flaubert investigated by Borges about two copyists.
Identity rises from a soundless site because birds have no
1. Tools for a double vision
This first step of the generative process consists in two different moments:
1. Abduction , a subjective tool
As happens in every creative act, such observation activates a fixing up of our impressions, as a performing of our subjective interpretation. This procedure was defined by Pierce as an abduction process, able to define an “how to reason”. The interpretation is an experience. The aim of the formal logic is to delineate a table of categories, able to be a faneron, a manifestation of experience. We can read and record what fascinated us as a code of transformation. Hume described this mental process as an idea that reminds an impression of an absent object. In this way what is observed and appreciated becomes a strong deep indication for identifying a process of transformation that will operate on the existing environment to transform it into a possible scenario. So we call abduction this type of performing rules because the interpretation of the events is managed with the aim to represent a rule as an algorithm.
The construction of an artificial Dna is also a basic process that can grow toward complexity using algorithms as a useful answer to the contemporary needs of Quality and Beauty.
2. Attributes, a tool connected to reality
We use creatively our mother tongue defining some words as attributes, minimum three or more, as a possible significance of our iter. This is a very important tool that connects words with pictures in a logical procedure, as in ancient time, ut pictura poiesis. But this is also peculiar to the classic music. We have a lot of different attributes as indications for playing Mozart, Bach, Rossini etc. The author can gain an open number of variations with these multiple topic suggestions.
FIST ATTRIBUTE, generic also random VISIONARY |
hendiadys DOUBLE |
= performing
a visionary bridge can gain the similar site.
is a very hard exercise. Similarity is the condition of a good translation. A
poet can interpret another poet and so on. This was the only way in the past
time. Now we have anonymous translations. So it is very hard to gain the deep
significance of poems
I chose the
first frame and the last two verses
of the Zueignung of Faust by Goethe and 4 different
English translations.
Ihr naht euch wieder, schwankende Gestalten,
Was ich besitze, seh ich wie im Weiten,
Und was verschwand, wird mir zu
It is clear
for me the significance by the translation of Franco Fortini, a great Italian
Mi tornate vicine,voi figure mutevoli
Quel che ora è mio lo vedo come in una distanza
E quel che era scomparso mi diventa realtà.
Ye wavering forms draw near again as ever
What I possess, as if far off I'm seeing,
And what has vanished, now comes into being.
Second one,
YE wavering shapes,
again ye do enfold me,
What I possess as from
afar I see;
Those I have lost become realities to me.
Third one translated by Edgar Alfred Bowring
YE shadowy forms, again ye're
drawing near,
All I possess far distant seems to
The vanish'd only seems reality.
Forth translation by A. S. Kline, 2003
Again you show yourselves, you
wavering Forms,
What I possess seems far away from me,
And what is gone becomes reality.
Dedication, an explication (anonymous)
In a
nostalgic poem, Goethe recalls his early work on Faust, his many
experiences since and the loss of many friends and loved ones who were the
original audience, and his presentation of the finished first part to an anonymous
Dedication, an interpretation by Alexander
Gillies, 1957
recognize the power of a yearning that is so overwhelming that the poet feels
himself to be divorced from what is around him and transported not merely into
the past but, we seem almost persuaded, into the sphere of eternity itself,
from which he may survey his experiences in a new perspective”.
With an
interpretation in a similarity process we can gain a poetic significance as a
site of the relationship between two points of view.
With an
explication we can only define a simplification as a static result without any
possible improving elements.
3. Clouds, visionary + natural
“Generative Design is the idea
realized as genetic Code of artificial events.
This approach opens a new era in design: the challenge of a new
Natural science of Artificial ware. This is a mirror of human uniqueness. Once
more man imitates Nature, as in the act of making Art. This is like an
universal language.
Like DNA in Nature the genetic code
of artificial ware identifies a species of objects. So we can design the
idea and realize infinite variations.
The Renaissance cultural approach
was able of combining Science and Art. This was a process as a code of Harmony that identifies a representation of
the subjective vision of a possible world. The code of Harmony, like all codes,
contains some rules that trace certain forms of behaviors. Therefore it is not
only a sequence, a database of events, of forms, but a transforming patterns
definitions: the performing from what exists into the complexity of
visionary becoming. The design act is a changes from forming to
transforming, because each form is only one of possible parallel results of the
same idea.” This discovering process tries to represent two different
approach: one describes a fantasiosa (imaginative in addition to
exorbitant) reality without any peculiar identity. A swallowing reality without
any test except the technical references. The other one in contrast represents a visionary world in which
it is necessary to define a poetical point of view. This approach can
describe a natural vision of
1- 6, Mantegna, Adorazione dei pastori, Adorazione dei Magi ,Agonia nel
giardino, Annunciazione, St. Sebastian, Mars et Venus
If we try
to focus the sky in these pictures by Mantegna in all of them we discover clouds, with different nuances but
they are constant elements in all the configurations. These are a very
important tool for gaining a natural expression also in strongly imaginative
scenarios. A natural representation rises from a visionary expression as a
result of an impression of the history
mixed to an impression of reality as a remembering connected to the experience
of the artist in reading the world around him. Clouds are very simple details,
but they suddenly realize the naturalness of
the Art expressions. Clouds are tools for an eternal deep communications with human beings. So
mythical, symbolic or religious scenarios looks more a natural reality.
If we analyze the manuscript: ”Marco Polo, Le
Livre des Merveilles”, we discover an incredible experiment. This manuscript
was edited by the drawings of miniaturists that translated in real pictures
”The Million”, in which an unvisited very far world was described. So it was very hard for them to define an unknown
reality using only a imaginative tool. A total
fantastic world is more easy to represent. In these pictures we recognize codes belonging to the topic
references of miniaturists in a strong artificial environment. And clouds, our
small element of investigation, are totally absent. This for the reason that
the miniaturists defined only with a simple mental process, the relationship
between the text and their technical references in which the emotional part of remembering something
similar is impossible to configure. So we discover no clouds. Figures are just
a product of calligraphy.
Figures 7-15 Frames from Le Livres Des
Meraveilles, M. Polo, Il Milione
Figures 16-17 Frames from Le
Livres Des Meraveilles, M. Polo, Il
3.1 A way for improving and rising ability to changeable inventions
Figure18 ,Leonardo, Sant’Anna, Maria e Gesù
Leonardo, De Pictura
"… nuova invenzione di speculazione… è di grande utilità a destare
l'ingegno a varie invenzioni. E questa è se tu riguarderai in alcuni muri
imbrattati di varie macchie o in pietre di vari misti… potrai lì vedere
similitudini di diversi paesi, ornati di montagne, fiumi, sassi, alberi,
pianure grandi, valli e colli in diversi modi… battaglie ed atti pronti di
figure strane, arie di volti ed abiti ed infinite cose, le quali tu potrai
ridurre in integra e buona forma; che interviene in simili muri e misti, come
del suono delle campane, che ne' loro tocchi vi troverai ogni nome e vocabolo
che tu t'immaginerai.
Non isprezzare questo mio parere, nel quale ti si ricorda che non ti sia grave
il fermarti alcuna volta a vedere nelle macchie, de' muri, o nella cenere del
fuoco, o nuvoli o fanghi, od altri simili luoghi, ne' quali, se ben saranno
da te considerati, tu troverai invenzioni mirabilissime, che destano
l'ingegno del pittore a nuove invenzioni sì di componimenti perché nelle
cose confuse l'ingegno si desta a nuove invenzioni. Ma fa prima di sapere
ben fare tutto le membra di quelle cose che vuoi figurare..”
19-20 Frames of related drawings by Leonardo and a
rotated image of St. Anna
It is possible to discover hidden
elements as performing shapes inside the natural environment that is all around
the central religious figures. As a bridge between human temporary reality and
eternal holy representation. Clouds and nature are elements for discovering
3.2 Double+ natural+ visionary
21 Small table for experiments about binocular
vision. Reconstruction by Dominique Raynaud |
One of the most important Renaissance work is La Città Ideale by Leon Battisti Alberti .We have two variations of the same picture
Figure 22-24 La città Ideale, tavola di Urbino, Prospettiva Architettonica,
tavola di Baltimora, Prospettiva Architettonica, tavola di Berlino
This visionary ideal realities recall to the telescope of Pascal and the
concept of the double infinities as a tools for a generative process of
Figure25. Dream, Raffaello Sanzio
believed in the necessary connection between just related word and musical
more time Music is the magistra ludi in performing Art.
can grow by walking around a tree as a deep connection of our soul with Nature
“To be a writer is, in
a sense, to be day-dreamer--to be living a kind of double
life. Literature is not a mere juggling of
words; what matters is what is left unsaid, or what may be read between the
lines. Were it not for this deep inner feeling, literature would be no more
than a game, and we all know that it can be much more than that”, J. L.
Borges, Who needs poets?, 1971
Is Poetry in relation between
musical variations a stochastic process? This is a false problem. Also
variation is stochastic, when it is defined. But musical theme is more soft and
variations run copious. But why don’t Poetry need variation? The condition of
eternity is iteration. Poetry represents this procedure. This is an unique way
to gain eternity. She is a site of loneliness. Text is iteration. The sounding
expression is a collective listening as the addition of hearing singularity.
The listening impressions are not
possible to add. The sound is like a figure
with nuances. Each people
perceives and takes a peculiar aspect, also if all together perceive the same
significance. And emotions can be strongly similar.
“The story
of Bouvard and Pecuchet is a false simplicity. Two copyists… make big friends
with themselves: an inheritance leaves them free from working so they went to live in the country; where
they experimented Agronomy, Gardening,
how to do preserves, Anatomy, Archeology, History, Mnemonics, Literature,
Hydrotherapy, Spiritualism, Gymnastic, Pedagogy, Veterinary medicine, Philosophy, Religion. Each one of these
heterogeneous disciplines keep inside a crash, after twenty or thirty years,
disenchanted, they place an order with a woodworker for a double writing desk
table and they start again to copy, as before.”,
J. L.
Borges, Discussione
I am
waiting a train
lonely and late
mechanical voice talks
But reality
don’t show:
It is like
to come late.
But I am
just read from 10 minutes!
shall not aid,
A smile
will open the gate.
For a
new system of investigation:
“Song, find
resonances of just your fire!
For being
more ancient, you are more new.”
J. W. Goethe, West-Ostlicher divan
To have a double
vision don’t mean only to be drunk
Charles Sanders “Categorie”, a cura di R. Fabbrichesi Leo, Ed. Laterza,1992
Hume David A Treatise of Human Nature, edited by David
Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2000
Fodor Jerry A., Hume
Variations, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002
J. W. Goethe, Faust, a cura di
F. fortini, Mondadori, Italy, 1980
J. W. Goethe, Il divano
Occidentale Orientale, Bur, Milano, Italy, 1990
C.Soddu, E. Colabella "Argenia, a mother tongue in infinite
variations", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Design Computing and
Cognition, Workshop 3 "Implementation Issues in Generative Design
Systems", MIT Boston 2004
C. Soddu, “From forming to Transforming”, Proceedings of Generative Art
Conference, Milan, Alea Design Publischer, December 2000
H. Damisch, La Teoria delle
nuvole, Costa&Nolan, Italy 1980
H. Damisch, L’origine della
prospettiva, Guida Editori, Napoli, 1987
J. L. Borges, Discussione,
Adelphi, Milano, 2002
M. Polo, Il Milione, a cura di
Marie-Therese Gousset, Bibliotheque de l’Image, Paris, 20002