Space of Jotie 't Hooft
The space of Jotie is a
traduction of all the vocabulary into a treedimensional
interpetation where I put as the main concept the new
revolutianary vision of this poet. It is a sequense of
perspectives of a guy who frequently 'abused' drugs alcohol,..
and many more of goodies.
It is the sequence of perspectives I believe symnolises the life of this great poet.
The project exist of tree volumes slightly inclinated, it could mean his tree suciede atempts. Although I don't want to make an anecdotic architecture
Next to it there is the circulation wich is a Piranesian space, a labyrinth. Those two main items function in contradiction with each other and should be read in that way.
The third element is the grid it is a neutral reference system in order to better understand the alternated perspectives.
This second animation is the sequence of axonomitrics,
I think that they represent best the way one sees the space, virtually
I already spoke at least a dozen times about sequence of perspectives.
I made here a small animation when you walk in the project.
First you enter the Piranesi space and climb up the plan, walk around,...
I hope you like it. Reply on my email at the homepage.