0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
white |
red |
#FF0000 |
green |
#00FF00 |
blue |
#0000FF |
magenta |
#FF00FF |
cyan |
#00FFFF |
yellow |
#FFFF00 |
black |
#000000 |

Whan they hear speaking about strange writing or numeric systems none
of us think that we daily use them, for example when you look at your watch
and write to your friend using a Personal Computer. If you want to show
a color to a browser (as Netscape, Mosaic or Internet Explorer) you should
write it in a #RRGGBB format where RR signs the red value, GG the green
one and BB the blue. Each number is two hexadecimal figure composed. So
the higher number you can mean with two figure, FF, is 255 decimal number
equal. Using #RRGGBB format you can reach 256^3 = 16.777.216 colors, just
the right shade. Here you can find a nice numeric
converter from hexadecimal to decimal and viceversa.
If you try to read a file with a resource editor, you will find that
all the file can be written in hexadecimal numbers. The main caracteristic
of this lenguage is its semplicity because of no exceptions which makes
it the best system to use with such repeating machines as computers. Here
part of the hexadecimal picture version of me.
I choose this code just because reflects my own targets of high tecnology,
semplicity of stucture but complexes results. I use its internal double
structure of alfanumeric language to solve the problem of matrix permanence
during the paradygm evolution (calling it memory matrix) and matrices relations
(calling it relationship matrix).
Looking for the product of my project I find out its DNA. So, to start
up my engine (paradygm) you can choose whatever
you want; whether an original algorithm or an image. |