Morphogenetic design brings us beyond the canons of "traditional"
design (two general approaches have emerged in this century, each having
a different and antithetical modus operandi: one is based on the logic of
International Style and the empiricism of standards, the other sees architecture
as emanating from the artistic deed and its uniqueness) to undertake a road
of research and experimentation tracing a model of the possible world
on the existing one, giving form to one's thoughts and desires. 2
Before starting the project its logic and phases, and the deductive operations
between requests and forms, for the simple reason of quantity, (the field
of pertinence of the forms always goes beyond those of non-formalised requirements)
3 must be redefined.4
The novelty lies in the acknowledgement of the necessity of the initial
subjectivity 5 in the
project plan (today one would say from forms to formal logic), which becomes
a standard design in its evolution towards the objectification of the original
idea. The objective here is to be able to predict unexpressed requests and
the context changes which make the project one of the morphogenesis of the
possible developments of form. This process tackles complexity and chaos
introducing an unknown logic to the traditional project but one which relates
to informatics, adopting recurring cycles by giving life to a project
rhythm which traces the character of infinite and possible parallel stories.
In the traditional project there is a correlation between the word which
describes and the phenomenon which is described heading towards the state
of imbalance. It is unable to grasp the variations in quality, namely the
processes of morphogenesis. Our Modus Operandi, on the other hand, simulates
a dynamic order which grows and thrives in a chaotic and unpredictable imbalance,7 but identifiable in its progress
towards complexity.8
This work becomes the driving force of the process, triggering off further
requests and formalisations which represent only a part of that which the
project has to achieve in changing the context:9 the reference environment develops its image
and its identity, the use and the user change, the entire cultural, historical
and functional context evolves along unpredictable and unexpected lines.
Instability is the soul of the process. 10 |