Enrica Colabella
Professor of Architectural, Environmental and Industrial Design at
Politecnico di Milano University, Italy.
Member and co-founder of Generative Design Lab, DiAP, Politecnico
di Milano University
Manager of “Euro-China Exchange: technology and Culture of Generative
Approach”, program financed by European Commission.
Field of research: complex systems, interaction between poetry and space.
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20122 Milano, ITALY.
Email: enrica.colabella@polimi.it
http://www.artegens.com (the site with teaching activity in the Politecnico
di Milano University)
Tel (39).2.2399.5483
Fax (39).2.2399.5454
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Il progetto ambientale di morfogenesi", (the environmental
design of morphogenesis), Progetto Leonardo Publisher 1992 (book)
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Spatial and image dynamical models for controlling
and planning the development of differences in an increasingly international
and interdependent world", in the proceedings of the conference "Planning
in a time of Change", Stockholm 1992
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "The project of morphogenesis to design the DNA or
architecture", in the proceedings of "CIB'92, World Building Congress",
Montreal 1992.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "The morphogenetic design as an artificial intelligence
system to support the management of design procedures through the total
quality of the built-environment", in the proceedings of "The management
of Information Technology for Construction. First International Conference"
Singapore, 17/20 August 1993.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Experimental CBL original software to teach project
approach and designing procedures in architecture and industrial design",
in the proceedings of the International Conference of Computer Based Learning
in Science", Wien 18/21 September 1993.
E. Colabella, "Logica e Progetto / Logics and Design", in the magazine
Archimedia, 1993. (In Italian and English)
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Tre tesi di disegno industriale", (3 student's work
of Industrial Design), in the magazine Area, September 1994
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "The project of morphogenesis. A way to design the
evolution code of the environment", AESOP congress, Istanbul 23-26 August
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "La progettazione morfogenetica dell'ambiente urbano",
(Morphogenetic environmental design) in "Ridisegna la Citta'" catalogue
of the exhibition Casaidea 1994, Roma 1994.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "The project of morphogenesis. A way to design the
evolution code of the environment", AESOP congress, Istanbul 23-26 August
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Artificial Intelligence in the teaching of architectural
design", in the proceedings of the conference Hypermedia in Sheffield, Sheffield
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Recreating the city's identity with a morphogenetical
urban design", International Conference on Making the Cities Livable, Freiburg
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Artificial Intelligence and Architectural design",
CAAD Futures '95, Singapore 1995
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Argenic design", paper at the International Conference
"Contextual Design – Design in Contexts", The European Academy of Design,
Stockholm 13-15.4.1997
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "A Natural Approach to Industrial Design: Argenic
Design", New Simplicity?, International furniture design conference, Helsinki
Aug 1997.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "Pantheon", CDRom Multimedia realized for Poligrafico
dello Stato publisher 1996.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, "I percorsi della mente", CDRom Multimedia for Alea
Design 1996.
C.Soddu, E.Colabella, Cdrom "Leopardi a Recanati", AleaDesign publisher
and the Leopardi Family.
Colabella, E. "Verba, scripta et alea generatim" in Generative Art '98
by Soddu, C., ed. Dedalo, Proceedings of Generative Art 1998 International
Conference (Milano, Italy: Politecnico 1998)
Colabella, E. "L'impronta di un uomo" in Imaging Humanity, An Annual Interdisciplinary
Conference of Loyola University Chicago( Roma, Pontificia Università
Gregoriana 1999)
Colabella, E. "Il disegno della mente" in XXI Convegno Dell' UID, Dipartimento
di Scienze per l'Architettura ( Lerici 1999)
Colabella, E. " The night shadow" in Soddu, C., Proceedings of Generative
Art 1999 International Conference (Milano, Italy: Politecnico 1999)
Colabella, E. " Mater Matuta" in Soddu, C., Proceedings of Generative Art
2000International Conference (Milano, Italy: Politecnico 2000)
Colabella, E. " Performing Evocations" in Soddu, C., Proceedings of Generative
Art 2001 International Conference (Milano, Italy: Politecnico 2001)
Colabella, E. " Figura, Aura uniqueness" in Soddu, C., Proceedings of Generative
Art 2002 International Conference (Milano, Italy: Politecnico 2002)