Quarterly Updates

Contract reference N. ASI/B7-301/98/679-10 (Asia-Link Programme)
Project Title: Euro-China Exchange: Technology and Culture of Generative Design Approach
Name of Beneficiary: Politecnico di Milano, coordinator Prof. Celestino Soddu
Period covered by this Quarterly Update: 2 October  2003– 2 April 2003.
Due date of this quarterly update:  2 April 2003

I. Introduction and description of first activities

The program started up the October 2nd 2002 with the preparation of the meeting of December and the participation of all the partners to the international conference "Generative Art 2002" organized by the coordinator of the project Prof. Celestino Soddu.
First activity has been the presentation of our Asia-Link program to the meeting among the persons responsible of the Italy-China exchange activities, among which the coordinator of the program Celestino Soddu, with the rector of the Polytechnic in Milan, with Jun Han, Scientific Adviser of the embassy of the Chinese Popular Republic in Italy, with Mario Zanone Poma, President of the Chamber of Commerce Italian-Chinese and with Mr. Rosso, delegated of the foreign office of Italy, where the opportunities of implementation of the program are been identified. 
Subsequently (October-November 2002) the region Lombardia has proposed its participation to the program, through its formative activities office, supporting the amplification of the laboratory of generative design. This proposal is in discussion.
All the partners have participated in the meeting of December 10th 2002. The treated items have been: 
1. Finality and structure of the program and definition of the schedule of the activities and of their times of activation and implementation. 
2. Activation of the Laboratories of Generative design in the centres of Kassel, Eindhoven, Shanghai and Tianjin. Laboratories have been activated in the following months, according to the program. 
3. Times and ways of realization of the first session of seminars in Europe that has been programmed for July 2002 to Eindhoven, Kassel and Milan following the program of the activity 3 and the results of the previous meetings. 
4. Times and modes of realization of the workshops in China, programmed for September 2002 following the program of the activity 4 
5. Times and modes of the creation of the website of the program that will be active within April 2002. 
6. Convocation of the next operational meeting, to activate the operational projects foreseen by the activity n. 6 
All the delegations, with the exception of Eindhoven’s partner (cause arrived unexpectedly problems), have participated to the international Generative Art conference the days 11, 12 and December 13th 2002, contributing with papers and speeches in the round tables.  
On December 12 the program Asia-Link was introduced to the participants to the generative Art Conference and the themes and their operational potentialities have been discussed.  

II. Description of the subsequent activities
According to the original project proposal, the tasks to be conducted include:

1.    Activity 1: Generative Design Center/Lab, Planning/Preparing
   Near completion of planning and preparation phase of Activity 1, by establishing plans for Generative Design Center/Labs with identified participants.
2.    Activity 2: Thesis supervision. Preparing the structure for jointing supervisions.
   Presenting thesis on generative design
3.    Activity 3: Summer courses preparation.
   The 1st seminars are planned for July 2003 in Eindhoven, Kassel and Milan.
4.    Activity 4: Workshops, Planning/Preparing
   Started planning and preparation phase of Activity 4, by identifying design topics and participants of workshops in China. The planning and preparation phase is expected to complete on time with identified design projects and participants.
5.    Activity 5: Joint Research programs for PhD and Master, Planning/Preparing
   Completed the Planning and Preparation phase of Activity 5 on time, with established plans of graduate (PhD and Master) research programs; Furthermore, each partner have already identified candidate for the programs, and are ready to proceed the implementation phase;
6.    Activity 6: Applied projects in China. First proposals by Milan and Kassel Labs.
7.    Activity 7: International Conference Generative Art 2002 realized by the Generative Design lab of Milan
8.    Activity 8: Publishing the proceedings of GA conference (with papers of partners)
   Extending and Improving Generative Art & Science Network internationally.
   Realizing exhibitions on Generative Design

The activity of each partner was developed, subsequently to the 1st  meeting in Milan and the Generative Art International Conference, following the established program. Their individual progress is summarized in the following sub-sections, respectively.

Politecnico di Milano University, Generative Design Lab 

Activity  October-December 2002
1.    Realization of the Generative Art Conference 2002 (11-12-13 December 2002)
2.    Realization of the Generative Art Exhibition at Milan Polytechnic University (9-14 December)
3.    Realization of Generative Performance Festival at Aula Magna of Milan Polytechnic the 12th and 13th December 2002.
4.    Realization and publishing of the book of proceedings of Generative Art Conference 2002. The book was printed in time for the conference.
5.    Participation to institutional meetings concerning Italy-China exchanges.
6.    Preparing and managing the meeting of Asia-Link partners in Milan Polytechnic University the 10th December 2002.
7.    Presenting papers (C.Soddu and E.Colabella) at generative Art Conference 2002
8.    3 Thesis on generative design presented for discussion at School of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano

Activity January-March 2003: 
9.    Expansion of Generative Design Lab operational structure with new PC and new people.
10.    Presentation of the advanced searches of the laboratory to the Conference "International Nonlinear Sciences Conference" to Vienna, with the contribution of C. Soddu and E.Colabella, of the Generative Design Lab. 
11.    Presentation of the advanced researches of the Generative Design Lab in other universities in Europe and in the world, for example at Cities Asia Summit in Singapore, at ISEA, Nagoya Japan,  at Macau Cultural Center, at UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, at Alexandria Architecture Center, at IBD Center, Washington DC, at Ball State University, at PDC in California.
12.    Realization of three exhibitions of generative design at: 
A. IDB Cultural Center, Washington DC 
B. Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles 
C. University Catholic of Peru, Lima 
These exhibitions are still active until the end of April, and they will subsequently be moved to other sites, like Macao, Shanghai, Tianjin and in Europe 
13.    Implementation of the website of the program, showing all the activities of every partner. 
14.    Search of possible operational developments of the program: 
A. Meeting with possible Italian partners for activity and projects of mutual interest in China 
B. Possibility to spread in China some scientific magazine of the involved fields.
C. Search of European interlocutors for the realization of experimental generative architectures in China 
15.    Planning and preparation of a series of lecture and workshop of Celestino Soddu and Enrica Colabella in Shanghai and Tianjin for May-June 2002 (this activity will be postponed for the actual sanitary problems in the area) 
16.    Preparation of the seminar in Milan for the end of July 2002, as defined in the program. 
17.    Preparation of a seminar in Macau for September 2002 on generative design approach and urban identity management. 
Team involved:
Prof. Celestino Soddu, coordinator of the program
Prof. Quinsan Ciao, co-coordinator of Chinese partners
Prof. Enrica Colabella, manager
Ing Giovanni Luca Soddu, manager
Arch. Marco Longatti, collaborator
A group of  post graduate students

Kassel University, School of Art, Generative Design Lab Kassel

Project Activities
1.    Implementation of the Generative Design Lab Kassel. The Generative Design Lab has been implemented as a part of the “Institut für Rechnergestütztes Darstellen und Entwerfen” at the School of Art, Kassel. Room Nr 77 in the atrium complex of the School of Art has been allocated for the project.  The acquisition of lab computer equipment as specified in the project contract has been completed. In addition to the founds of the project for equipment resources the School of Art Kassel has supported the Asia Link Project with an additional Workstation including some software. The equipment is installed and operable. The internet connection will be established until the end of april 2003.
2.    Members of the Generative Design Lab Kassel
Univ. Prof Hans Dehlinger (PhD)
Dipl.Des. Markus Schein (PhD cand.)
Dipl.Des. Oliver Endemann
Dipl.Des cand. Ole Werner
Research topics of the members in context of the Asia Link Project:
-) Development of Generative Software Prototypes for Different Fields of Application in Architecture and Industrial Design
-) Theories and Methods of Evolutionary Design
-) Teaching Methods for Generative Design
-) Generative Art Projects
-) Information Systems / Programming
3.    Research Activities
3.1 Current Research Regarding the Activities of Team Members in Kassel
“Logo”. A program generating variations out of a finite set of combinations.
“Loftgenerator”. A generative program for applied industrial design.
 “Uhrmacher”. A generative program using combinatorial techniques.
“Liegengenerator.” A generative program for mass customization of foldable furniture.
Search for manufactures of the furniture generated by the program has started.
(Applied Generative Procedures in Furniture Design. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference GA 2002.)
“Next Generation(s) Computer Aided Design - Next Generation Computer Aided Design Education?" Paper submitted to ICSID 2nd Educational Conference 2003 Hanover, pending.
3.2 Research in Combination with teaching activities.
Seminar “Generative Prozesse und Verfahren” (Generative Processes and Procedures). This seminar was the third one related to different subjects of Generative Design at the Department of Product Design of the School of Art Kassel.
“Construction of Design Spaces”. Graduate Research Project. To be completed in early October.
Preparation of the first Asia Link Joint Workshop in Kassel. Up coming in July.
3.3 Exhibition Activities
Preparation of a contribution to Sigraph 2003.
Will be published in the conference proceedings of Sigraph 2003, art catalogue, p. 41, 42.
“Digital Clouds”. Exhibition of Generative Art Work. Inauguration: Early summer (schedule not fixed yet) at “Galerie Sommerfeld”, Erlangen, Germany.
“Rundgang 2003”. Presentation of selected student work from the Generative Design seminar. Up coming July.
4.    Proposals for Operative Projects
Collecting and preparing material for a common web portfolio presenting in an overview different works of Generative Design and Generative Art. An example of a web portfolio, concerning some of the above mentioned research projects of the Generative Design Lab Kassel will come up in the end of may for the publication in the common platform of the Asia Link Project.
Establishing connections to firms with Computer Numeric Controlled Manufacturing facilities (First contacts have already been established in Kassel). Developing designs in the field of Interior Architecture using generative approaches and testing prototypical production with firms.
Eindhoven University of Technology

people involved:
Prof.Dr.ir. Bauke de Vries
Chair of the Design Systems group of the Faculty of Building and Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Research expertise: Computer Aided Architectural Design, Product and Process Modeling, Design information storage and retrieval, VR technology and Interfaces, CAD tools and Sketch tools, Geometric modeling in Architectural Design, Knowledge Based Systems
Educational activities: CAAD and Design Methodology course for first years students, Capita Selecta course for graduate students, ICT module in the Post Doctoral programme on Architectural Design Management Systems
Management activities: Chair of the Design Systems group, Management of the research on the Design and Decision Support Systems.
Author of more than 30 publications that have been presented on international conferences. Member of 13 PhD committees. Project task leader in Brite Euram project. Vice chair of CAAD Futures foundation.
Ing. Ir. Aant van der Zee
Assistant Professor in the Design Systems group of the Faculty of Building and Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Activities after  December 2002:
1.    establishment of the Generative Design Lab
> GD system acquiring a Pentium IV desktop computer
2.    preparation of Summer Course in July 2002, following the schedule.

Tongji University

Activity 1: Establishing Generative Design Lab
In Tongji University, the Generative Design Research Lab is to be established with the basis of existing Chinese National Laboratory of Modern Technology in Urban Panning and Design affiliated to and administrated by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, under the leadership of Dean Bo-Wei Wang (Liaison/coordinator of this partner).
The main research objective of the National lab is the application of modern information technology (IT) in urban planning and architectural design. The lab is well equipped with modern IT technologies and devices, including computer networks, SGI workstations, Virtual Reality experiment platform, and high precision digital image and video stream encoding system, etc.
In order to better support the Generative Design research, additional equipment has been purchased for the Lab, including the latest Pentium IV desktop computer.
Activity 5: Ph.D. and Master Research Programs
The generative design research programs in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University will consist of a multidisciplinary team. The participating disciplines include: campus planning, urban design, historical architecture preservation, urban housing, interior design, Chinese traditional furniture design, and computer system simulation.
The initial program team consists of the following  six groups:
Group1, led by Professor Bo-Wei Wang, and joint by Master candidates Xiang Wang, Hong Wu, Le-Yan Zhang, will emphasis on the inherited generation mechanisms of university campuses and similar type of architectural complexes;
Group 2, Master candidate Meng Wang, guided by the advisor Professor Ji-wei Lu, will emphasis on the inherited generation mechanisms of urban public spaces;
Group 3, Ph.D. candidates Yi-Jie Zhang and Ming Dai joint by Master candidate Cheng-yu Sun, under the guidance of Professor Yong-yi Lu, will emphasis on the inherited generation mechanisms in Chinese historical architecture preservation;
Group 4, Master candidate Xing-Yu Yang, guided by the advisor Associate Professor Zhen-yu Li, will emphasis on the inherited generation mechanisms of various urban housing;
Group 5, Master candidate Xi Xu and Zhao-Xi Liu, guided by their advisors Associate Professor Yi Chen and Lecturer Kai-fend Wang, will emphasis on the inherited generation mechanisms of Chinese traditional and ancient furniture design;
Group 6, Ph.D. candidate Xiao-Sheng Huang and Master candidate Yao-dong Zhang, guided by their advisors Professor Jing-Wen Gu and Lecturer Jie Wu, will pursue research of computer implementation of shape and body representation governed by various generation mechanisms.
Among the six groups, Senior Engineer Mr. Zhong Tang, Associate Director of the Lab, will be responsible for the coordination of the groups in the project. Besides research in the generation mechanisms of Chinese ancient towers, he will also be experimenting with the 3-D digital representation of generated objects using virtual reality techniques.
Mr. Xiang Wang, a member of the Group 1, is also responsible for information assembling and distributing of the whole project at Tongji University.
Activity 4: Workshop
 The College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University has planned to host a generative design workshop session in Shanghai in the time frame of September to October of 2003.
 The proposed design topic of the workshop is the Architectural Design for The International Expo 2010 to be held in Shanghai.
9/03 – 10/03:    Hosting Shanghai Workshop.
Activity 8: International Networking
 The Tongji University team plan to send a delegation to Europe for research information and notes exchange with European participating partners and larger communities in the time frame of July to August. The delegation will consists of a part of the research participants of Tongji University who has achieved certain preliminary results in their corresponding area of work.
Tianjin University
Activity 1: Establishing Generative Design Lab
The Generative Design Lab in Tianjin University will be established based in the existing Architectural Design and Planning Research Institute of Tianjin University headed by the director Professor Chang-Ming Yang (Liaison/coordinator of this partner).
Leveraging the existing institute ad researchers’ previous research interests and strength, the Generative Design Lab of Tianjin University, as one of the Chinese partner universities, will have one of its unique research direction set to the application of generative design concept and theory into the investigation and comparative study of archetypes and architectures of Chinese minority ethnic groups.
In order to sustain the Generative Design Lab and relevant research activities, the Architectural Design and Planning Research Institute of Tianjin University is actively applying for addition funding from Chinese government through programs of Ministry of Education.
Activity 5: Ph.D. and Master Research Programs
The first Ph.D. and Master level graduate research program in generative design at Tianjin University will be primarily be largely directed towards the general topic of “The
 Generative Mechanism of Chinese Nomads Architecture and Its Interpretation in Cultural Anthropology”.
The research program has identified a combined participating team of five members of faculty and research staff, and, initially, six graduate students. The team consists of:
§    Prof. Chang-Ming Yang, Professor, Architecture
§    Prof. Hua Zhang, Staff Researcher, Architecture
§    Prof. Fan-Wei Zhang, Staff Researcher, Architecture
§    Prof. Jie Cai, Associate Professor, Architecture
§    Jun Ren, Lecturer, Architecture
§    Xi-Xin Chen, Ph.D. candidate, Arcitecture
§    Lin Tian, Ph.D. candidate, Ancient Architecture Preservation
§    Jing Bai, Ph.D. candidate, Architecture
§    Li-Jun Zheng, Ph.D. candidate, Architecture
§    Jin-Song Zhao, Ph.D. candidate, Architecture
§    Li Yan, Ph.D. candidate, Architecture
§    Xiao-Bing Wang, Master candidate, Architecture
As one of the first individual Ph.D. research topic, Mr. Li Yan has identified the subject of “The Research of Contemporary Architectural Generative Rule” and will be conducting his investigation under the guidance of his advisor Prof. Chang-Ming Yang. His dissertation is planned to complete in 2004.
Activity 4: Workshop
 The Tianjin University partner is preparing to host the workshop in Tianjin. The specific details of the design topic for the workshop is being discussed and to be announced soon.
Activity 8: International Networking
 The Tianjin University partner is expecting to expand its international networking in the area of Generative Design through this project and its European partners. The Tianjin University’s project participating team is planning have its representative delegation to visit European partner universities while attending the Summer Courses on their campus according to the project schedule.

III. Other Issues

The only difficulty encountered is the actual sanitary emergence in China. The travel of the coordinator to Shanghai and Tianjin, and the subsequent meetings and lectures planned for the beginning of May, must be postponed and re-scheduled.