Generative Design Centre/Lab.
The 1st
point is to initiate and build one Generative Design Laboratory in each
of the involved Universities. These new academic entities will work in
the field of generative design in architecture, urban design and industrial
design as well as in reconstructing and managing the cultural and traditional
identity’s codes of towns and natural-artificial environments. These fields
involve research and experimental activities concerning the models of design
methodology and teaching methodology in design in general as well as generative
design. This new generative approach puts together the European tradition
of creative works, starting from Italian renaissance cultural experience
of ancient codes of harmony as rules to reach quality and beauty, years of
modern western architectural theories and methods, and the emerging of rich
Chinese traditions on abstract design thinking, dialectic design synthesis
and practical design creation.
These Laboratories of Generative
Design, GDLabs, will be built, at first, to extend to the other involved
universities the already existing structure at the Politecnico di Milano
University. This existing GDLab at Milan supports and manages this project.
At a later stage, once that
the anticipated activities of collaboration with Europeans and Chinese
industries and those of architectural and urban design in China will be
activated, these GDLabs will continue to be the element of conjunction
and cooperation between Europe and China and they will have an operational
structure that will be self-financed by the above mentioned activities.
When these GDLabs, at the end of this program, will be self sustainable
and autonomous concerning financial support, the GDLabs could be transformed
in Generative Design Centers.
In the moment of their starting
up, in the beginning of the activity of this project, every involved university
will organize its own GDLab, under the responsibility of the people responsible
in each university of this project. The Politecnico di Milano University,
instead, will reorganize its own existing GDLab making it able to manage
the project and to coordinate the activity of the other GDLabs.
The GDLab of the Department
of Architecture and Planning of Politecnico di Milano University is the
entity that will manage the project. At the starting up of the project
it will be endowed of an operational staff that, operating full time with
two managers, will allow the management of the project.
Besides, with the presence
of a webmaster and a half-time technician, the GDLab will develop the
management of the “generative art” network and, of the internet
website The webmaster will not only manage the
website but he will upgrade it in real time, and all the parallel sites
where all the activities of the program and of every single participant
will be. Every person involved in the program will have, inside the site,
his own web page. In other terms the staff of the GDLab of the Politecnico
di Milano University will manage the net formed by the 5 computers of the
GDLabs in way that the work in progress of each GDLab will be upgraded on
the website.
All other actions involving
the common activities of this program and the GDLab’s net will be managed
by the GDLab of Milan.
The GDLab of Milan could
be transformed in “Generative Art&Science International Center” if
the activities will be enlarged to projects belonging to other scientific
fields where the generative approach is useful (like mental health aids,
or nano-technologies, or mecatronics) and if these incoming programs will
involve other European and Asian universities that will joint together
to establish the Center.
Four new GDLabs will be
activated in Kassel, in Eindhoven, in Shanghai (Tongji Univ.) and in Tianjin.
They will be constructed in the relevant universities in the departmental
structures involved in this program. These GDLabs will be organized within
the first two or three months starting from the beginning of the project
by each of the responsible of the partner universities. And the
leader of the project will verify it directly.
These new GDLabs will have,
as first operational and instrumental nucleus, the necessary equipment
and human resources for the maintenance of the service for which they were
born, that is the interchange between Europe and China and the management
of the local activities of the project. Particularly each new GDLab, at
its birth, will have:
A. a technician
working at partial time
B. a computer
equipment composed by a pc connected to Internet and equipped for videoconferencing.
The net connection will be provided by the involved universities.
How the new GDLabs will
be established:
A. In
the universities of Kassel and Eindhoven, the GDLabs, that don’t exist
at the moment, will be born from research’s structures and existing researchers
that have already expressed results and experimentations in the field
of the generative approach. The GDLab of Politecnico di Milano University
has already experimented collaborations and a methodological convergence
on the teaching logics with these research groups.
B. In
the Chinese universities the future convergence in these approaches has
been already checked with meetings and lectures made by Prof. Soddu in
Shanghai and Beijin, in which Chinese teaching people has expressed the
interest and the opportunity to activate such Labs for the development
of the generative approach and methodology of teaching design and for the
use of advanced technologies to fit the complexity of today needs and market.
So the new GDLabs will be born inside this universities and supported by
Activity of the GDLab’s
1. maintaining
active the internal network of interchange between the partners.
2. Extending
and Improving Generative Art & Science Network internationally.
Generative Art & Science
Network is an existing international network established in 1998 and managed
by the Milan GDLab with the annual international conferences on Generative
Art. It is growing each year with more and more updated and important
references. The website is and it has become the
most important website in the sector. In this website it’s possible to
find links to teaching experiences and research activity of generative
art in architecture, engineering, music, visual art, advanced representation,
industrial design, town design, cognitive science, robotics, poetry, mecatronics.
The aim is to improve this
network and use it for information, joint teaching and design activities.
One of the 1st acts of Generative
Design Lab’s net will be the opening of a forum that will give the actual
level of interest and news about incoming questions linked to generative
3. maintaining
active the website As the pages on research's
activities and those of direct support to the teaching activities
(summer courses, workshops, etc.). Every teaching experimentation will
be in fact reported, in real time, in the website. This website
will be a common website (transforming the website
from the website of GDLab of Politecnico di Milano University to the website
of all the Labs involved in the project) where all the activities will
be presented. All the activities realized in this program will be transformed
in on-line information. In particular:
o The
research programs and Master/PhD Thesis will be published on-line.
o The
workshop results and events will be published on-line in real time.
o The
teaching experiment on design methodology will be realized as distance
education too, using Internet communication. An important activity of Generative
Design Labs will be the experimentation of teaching design methodology
with distance-education, using Internet website. The summer courses activated
each year in the European universities will be transferred in Internet
interactive pages and forum exchange that will be used by a selected group
of postgraduate student. The people responsible for this programme will
evaluate the results and will verify if and how to go forward with this
teaching experiment.
o All
the activity of the program will be transparent and communicated by the
Internet site
4. to
organize the summer courses in the European universities
5. to
organize the workshops in the Chinese universities
6. to
organize lectures about Generative Design Approach in China and Europe.
7. to
organize exhibitions of Generative Art, Science and Projects in China
and Europe.
8. to
organize seminars on line for the activity of supervision of the theses
of master and doctorate that involve, as supervisors, European and Chinese
people participating to this project.
9. to
organize meeting with possible European and Chinese companies and industrial
partners and with possible partners belonging to the industry of the constructions
in China and Europe. The Labs will make external contracts with European-Chinese
manufacturing industries for the activation of Euro-China agreement in
the field of intelligent industrial production and with Chinese entities
and European companies for agreements in building architectural and urban
design generative projects.
10. to
activate periodic sessions of videoconferencing between the partners of
this project.
11. to
activate sessions of videoconferencing between the supervisors and the
postgraduates for the verification of the work in progress.
12. to
manage an interactive forum, inside the website, on the topics of generative
logical approach, on the use of generative logic in teaching design, on
the possible further applications and on what will be thought convenient
for the updating of information of the active group in the project.
13. the
experimentation of teaching design methodology with distance-education,
using Internet website. These experiments will improve the teaching methodology
in design using the traditional cultural approach of European and Chinese
14. In
any case, it will be used as an opportunity for exchange and a facility
to increase the co-operation between different cultural and technological
customs and approaches aiming at the result of a well integrated and established
models to approach design and design education. The Labs will be the space
where people involved will prepare papers and teaching activity, accessing
to the information of other Labs and verifying with the other Labs the works
in progress.
How people works in the
Every GDLab is open to the
collaboration and contribution of teachers and postgraduate students that
participate in the program, also if they participate only at one of the
1. each
participant must activate his own web page and must upgrade this page
following his work in progress (the work will be valuated using these pages).
This upgrading will happen in the GDLab. The technician will upload the
material in the server of the GDLab in Milan.
2. each
people involved in the project can activate a special session of interchange
on his research project or on his teaching experimentation through videoconferencing,
giving preventive communication to all the other GDLabs. Each technician
of laboratory must perform, with the support of the GDLab in Milan, the
periodically activation of these videoconferences.
3. In
the GDLab of Milan, people will work for managing this project, organizing
international conference, summer courses, workshops and meetings, and
all the other activities of this project.
4. All
the GDLabs will verify their activity twice a year and will present their
work in the annual international conference GA that GDLab of Milan will
organize every year, as in the past four years.
The cultural field involved
in the activity of Generative Design Labs and the potential subdivision
or area of research/teaching programs/projects/topics are tentatively
listed, but not limited to, as the following:
o European/Chinese
tradition of design concepts on forms and spaces (interior and exterior)
o European/Chinese
tradition of design representation
o European/Chinese
codes of design harmony and contradiction
o European/Chinese
definition of objectives in design processes
o European/Chinese
epistemology of scientific and non-scientific creative thinking and discovering
o European/Chinese
identification of abstract paradigms of spatial structures.
o European/Chinese
management of complexity.
o European/Chinese
approaches of practical design reasoning
o European/Chinese
approaches in application of generative design methods in the identity
of old towns and small vicinities
o European/Chinese
approaches in the development of regional and large-scale identities
o European/Chinese
processes of design generation and evolution
o European/Chinese
methods of construction process and information management
o European/Chinese
collaboration on application of AI production in building industry
o European/Chinese
views of estates, technologies, development and preservation
Further, the Generative
Design Lab’s net (and the Generative Art&Science International Centre,
if established) will be the structure to improve the activities of this
project when the support of EC will end.
Thesis supervision.
For Thesis
and research activity the program will have a Steering Committee, made
with the responsible of each involved university (Celestino Soddu, Hans
Dehlinger, Bouke de Vries, Bowei Wang, Changming Yang).
A defined number of thesis
of master and doctorate will be focused on the topic of this program and
will be managed by a joint body of professors of all the partners of this
Each involved professor
will identify some (1-3) master (of 5th year degree) thesis that will
be developed under the common supervision of the Asia-link programme.
The whole number of master
thesis will be 10 in the two years of programme, divided among the five
The number of doctorate
thesis will be 5, belonging to all the involved universities.
The steering committee will
select these thesis among the proposals coming from the partners.
The programme does not realize
new master or doctorate courses but, inside the teaching activity existing
in each university, each professor identifies some theme concerning the
topic of generative design approach and Europe-China relationship. Once
identified the thesis, the supervisor will involve other professors, belonging
to the universities of this Asia-link programme, as co-supervisor of his
thesis. For example the institutional course of Prof. Celestino Soddu
is the Final Synthesis Laboratory of the VI Faculty of Engineering-Architecture
at master level. He will identify, inside the 60 thesis of his Lab, some
thesis that will be developed jointing other Asia-link partners as co-supervisors.
The work in progress of
each thesis will be weekly updated in a non-public Internet page in the
site opened only to supervisors and, later, when
finished, in an open page of the official website. Discussions will be
held monthly using videoconference, and the results will be presented
in the annual Generative Design International conference. Videoconferences
of conference, project events and thesis defence will be open to interested
postgraduate students of all partner schools to enhance the mutual knowledge
and exchange.
Summer courses for postgraduate students.
courses are conducted, each year, mainly (but not only) at the participating
European universities, Milan, Kassel and Eindhoven, using an extended
number of professors. The aim is to let the participating European/Chinese/
attendants to have the introductory orientation about the extent and the
scope of the defined discipline of generative design approaches and its
related studies and examples. The courses are also providing excellent
first opportunity for Chinese personnel to travel to Europe and meet with
all the partners. Each summer course will have the following three sections:
a) generative
design in architecture,
b) generative
design in industrial/interior/habitat design, and
c) generative
design methodologies and the role of technologies.
The courses are conducted
in three universities for a total of 15 days each year. In each university
will take place one section (around 5 days) attended by the twelve postgraduate
student arrived from China and twelve postgraduate students of the hosting
university. So, each year, twelve Chinese and 36 European postgraduate students
will be involved.
Each European University
will organize his own section of five days and proposes the application
of their participants.
Postgraduate Students will
be selected by the responsible of each involved universities through an
application with curricula and one page of expression of interest. The
selection will prefer people who are interested in the cultural relationship
between Europe and China.
The sections will be lectured
by professors from European universities and from a Chinese professor
that will accompany the postgraduate students, with possible guest speakers,
and two European assistants/tutors.
In particular (as example):
Milan: Generative Design
Methodology, 3-4 Prof. from Milan, 2 tutors from Milan, 1 Prof. from Kassel,
2 accompaining Prof from China, 1 invited guest, 12 European postgraduate
students, and 12 Chinese postgraduate students. (five full days)
Kassel: Generative Industrial
Design, 2-3 Prof. From Kassel, 1 Prof from Milan, 1 Prof from Eindhoven,
2 tutors from Kassel, 2 accompaining Prof from China, 1 invited guest,
12 European postgraduate students, 12 Chinese postgraduate students. (five
full days)
Eindhoven: Generative Architectural
Design, 1-2 Prof from Eindhoven, 1-2 Prof from Milan, 1 Prof from Kassel,
2 accompaining Prof from China, 1 tutors from Eindhoven, 1 tutor from
Kassel, 1 invited guest, 12 European postgraduate students, 12 Chinese
postgraduate students. (five full days)
The European postgraduate
students can be different each course, coming from different universities
in Europe, and the Chinese postgraduate students will be the same in the
3 sessions (Milan, Kassel and Eindhoven) with a single travel from China.
These summer courses will
have an important role in the project because of:
1. increase
the relationship between young teachers of Europe and China.
2. Identify
common references in teaching architectural design and industrial design
3. let
emerge possible opportunities for jointing researches and project activities
between Europe and China.
The workshops
will be organized for teaching staff and postgraduate students of the
partner universities as well as participants from other institutes associated
to the project activities. Each workshop will be focused on one or more
specific areas of the program topics, application and practical experimental
oriented and more in depth and in detail as a design/study workshop experience.
Workshops are organized
each year in Tianjin University and in Tongji University and these universities
are responsible for the organization and for the theme of the design experience.
The theme will in the field of architecture and/or town design, and this
case study will be located in China. The GDLabs and the Steering Committee,
choosing the theme, must focus the possibility that the study case could
be matter of agreement among Chinese government’s entities, European companies
and Generative Design Labs for the realization of these projects.
The activity format is:
1. the participants:
8 professors
of European universities (Milano, Kassel, Eindhoven)
4 professors
of Chinese universities
30 postgraduate students coming from Chinese universities.
2. The structure:
The participants will be
divided into multiple design teams. Each team will be jointed together
by 1 or 2 professors of the European and Chinese universities involved
in the programme and 5 postgraduate students for two weeks, one week in
Shanghai, Tongij University, one week in Tianjin University.
3. Activity:
During these weeks each
team develop the common case study. The team realizes an architecture-urban
design project using the generative approach.
At the end, each team will
present a project that will be discussed with all the partners through
on-site meetings as well as video-conferencing. All results will be published
in the website
If, subsequently, Chinese
entities would like to realize these architectural projects, the matter
must be defined with a specific economic agreement, signed by the Steering
Committee, involving designers, GDLabs and external partners.
These workshops are important
for the programme because:
1. explicit
the generative design approach in view of the teaching activity.
2. identify
the relevant points of view of the Chinese cultural approach in front
of European design tradition.
3. fit
together the dynamic processes proper of European and Chinese cultural
and construct the cultural mutual opportunities in exchanging teaching
4. let
emerge real opportunities to involve Europe in Chinese fast development
of building construction and of environment evolution.
Joint research programmes for PhD and Master
A set
of selected joint research programmes with topics in architectural design
methodology, Interior design and building design evolution in China, traditional
design and approaches, advanced generative design, art and technologies,
or other proper topics for interested postgraduate students of involved
universities will be managed by this project.
The research work under
such programme will be jointly carried out after the Steering Committee
formed by the responsible people of each involved university (Celestino
Soddu, Hans Dehlinger, Bouke de Vries, Bowei Wang, Changming Yang), makes
its selection and approval of programme proposals.
The first deadline of research
program proposal will be 6 month after the starting up of the project.
The maximum number of such programmes to be accepted will be 12 for the
duration of one year. The researchers must come from all the involved
universities and from others (European and Asiatic) too.
The steering committee will
take care to choose proposals coming from different universities and belonging
to Europe an to Asia in an equal number.
The research programmes
will be managed using the structure of Generative Design Labs. This makes
possible to get and exchange information and an active and continuous support
through Internet. Each programme will be developed jointing al least one
European and one Chinese partner.
1. The
call for proposals will be launched in the international conference GA2002
(and a second one in GA2003), in way to arrive to an extended number of
people interested in the topic.
2. The
call for proposal will be written under the responsibility of the leader
of this programme, hearing the steering committee.
3. Proposals
will have autonomous financial support. No financial support from Asia-link
programme. The accepted research people could have a position in the program,
like support staff of GDLabs, if the position will be free. And they can
participate to the activities (summer courses and workshops) of the program.
4. People
will be selected by the Steering Committee valuating if the proposal and
A. Fit
the aims of this Asia-link programme.
B. Develops
an advanced field able to involve European and Chinese industrial activities
or building and construction activities.
C. Develops
advanced theoretical sectors of European and Chinese cultural approach
and tradition.
D. Develops
generative teaching approach and/or advanced distant education using generative
E. Develops
generative approaches in identifying cultural and traditional codes.
Applied projects in Chinese Building/Design Industries
projects in Chinese building and/or design industry will be a component
of the overall proposed project during its second year.
Generative Design Labs will
executed, by first, these projects identifying the feasible industrial
collaborator and suitable project tasks that fit the scope of an application
of the generative design approaches.
1. In
the first six-seven months the Generative Design Labs will organize a
sequence of meeting with the European and Chinese industries, involved
in advanced possibility of intelligent production, in sight of a mutual
interest to develop innovative programs that run toward the incoming requests
of the market. At the end of this first research, the steering committee
will choose 4 of these industrial project and will plan their development
using the structure of Generative Design Labs. Each applied project will
support the technological and strategic evolution of a particular industrial
production, using possible supports from European industries. The financial
and operative agreement must be approved by the leader of this programme,
Prof. Soddu, under the supervision of the steering committee.
2. In
the same time, first six-seven months, the Generative Design Labs will
plan a sequence of meeting with the Chinese entities involved in the construction-building
activity, sector that has now in China a strong developing, to identify
possible occasion for architectural and town design projects that are
important for improving the cultural and local identities of Chinese environment.
These generative projects will be also realized using technological and
financial support from European industries and firms interested in a mutual
opportunity. At the end of this first approach, the steering committee will
identify the architectural projects, town design projects and operative research
concerning town identity’ codes and plan their development using the structure
of Generative Design Labs. The number of these projects will be 6 for year.
The financial and operative agreement must be approved by the leader of this
programme, Prof. Soddu, under the supervision of the steering committee.
Each of such applied projects
will be under the supervision of the leader of this programme and under
the responsibility of (at least) one European professor and one Chinese
professor. The project will be carried out by a team comprising European-Chinese
postgraduate students, in equal number, that have completed or are finishing
programmes in the selected topic.
This activity is self-sustainable,
being supported by industries.
International Conference.
The international
Generative Design/Art conference, held annually at Politecnico di Milano,
will be expanded by inserting a special session/chapter for the activity
of this proposal project. Each research program, teaching experience and
material and results will be presented and will be opened for discussions
by all interested project participants as well as conference participants
from all over the world, in a dedicated round table forum.
This occasion and venue
will be used to verify and evaluate the implementation progress and results
of the proposed project program and to bring this Asia-Link funded project
to the light of larger international community of the most influential
academic and industrial impact in the field of practice and research of
the generative design approaches.
This evaluation will be
1. using
the conference scientific committee to verify the papers presented in
the conference:
2. asking
to this committee to evaluate the work in progress of this Asia-Link programme
using the material present in the website that
collect teaching experiences and approaches, thesis in progress, research
activities and workshops results. The scientific committee involved will
be invited to give his opinion in a round table forum in the conference.
All the
scholarly and creative works regarding the study of methodology of generative
approaches and its practice, particularly with content of exchange of European
and Chinese design traditions and cultures in managing design processes,
in issues and ideas on related generative design experience in China, in
design education as well as design practice, will be selectively published
in a book at the end of this first period of the program supported by
European Commission founds. Other related articles and papers will also
be published in various journals and magazines of different languages (e.g.,
English and Chinese) in Europe and China (during and after the 24 months
duration of the project).
1. papers
regarding teaching advanced experiments and research activity managed
by the Generative Design Labs (at least one-two for each GDLab) will be
published in the book of proceedings of international conferences GA2003
and GA2004. The GA conference publishes the proceedings book each year
before the conference. This publication is self-sustainable.
2. The
final report of this Asia-Link programme will be published at the end
of the two years program and presented at GA2004 International conference.
3. Each
summer course will be published in the Internet site and, if possible,
in paper.
4. The
results of design workshops will be published in the website of GDLabs
and in Chinese magazines or in the books of Chinese university press.