Seminar “De Identitate”,  Rome, 26-27 July 2004



“Euro-China Exchange. Technology and Culture of Generative Design Approach”



Prof. Celestino Soddu, Politecnico di Milano University




Visionary Variations of Milano. Generative Projects Designing the Identity of Milano.

Celestino Soddu

Generative Design Lab, Department of Architecture and Planning

Politecnico di Milano University, Italy


Don’t Lose the History Again. The Forming, Developing and Crisis of the Identity of Tsingtao City

Chen Li, Phd

Yang Changming

School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China


Dutch Dwellings

B. de Vries

A. van der Zee

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.


Identity of Generated Objects – Gain and Loss Along Transformational Chains.

H. Dehlinger

O. Werner

Department of Product Design, Kunsthochschule Kassel, Kassel, Deutschland.


Identity beyond Vision: Discover the Cultural Genes of Yuelu Academy

HE Renke,

YUAN Xiang

School of Design, Hunan University, Changsha, China


Digital code scripts for generative and evolutionary design: De Identitate

John Hamilton Frazer

Autotectonica, UK


Spatial Forms Generated From Shao Xing Culture

Zhang Kun

Wang Bowei

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai


Space-time Idea Contained In the Mysterious Figure Of Primitive Era

Zhang Yu-kun

Li He-nan

Li zheng

School of Architecture, Tianjin University, China


Shanghai Keeps its Identity in the City Renewal

Tian YunQing, MArch

Department of Art & Design, Shanghai University


The Becoming of Form. Morphogenesis as Paradigm to preserve Identity in Complex Architecture

Daan Willems

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands


Identity Crisis and High-Speed Urbanism. Form and Morphogenetic Process as Generators of Design Identity

Thomas Fisher

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Christiane M. Herr

The University of Hong Kong


The Identifiable Spacial Designs Bred by the Architect and Apollo

SUN Chengyu

Architecture Department, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China


Knowledge Transformation in Conceptual Design: An Approach to Build a Model of CAID Knowledge System


ZHAO Jianghong

School of Design, Hunan University, Changsha, China


Meta-knowledge: A Method to Encode and Decode Products’ DNA in Knowledge Lifecycle


ZHAO Jianghong,

School of Design, Hunan University, Changsha, China


The Extreme Generative Approach and the Acquisition of Identity


School of Architecture Tianjin University, Tanjin 300072.


The Academy of Architectural Design and City Planning of Tianjin University, Tianjin


Image of JNSX and Generative Design

Cao Peng

Tongji University, Shanghai, China


Generative Design – Programmed Identity

Hans Dehlinger

Ulf C. Cadenbach, Henrik Hornung, Tobias O. Schelkes

School of Art, University of Kassel, Germany


The Identities of Watertown Shaoxing

Zhang Linwei

Tongji University, Shanghai, China


The Study of Waterfront Modality of Shaoxing

Mi Jia

Tongji University, Shanghai, China


The design For Old areas of Shaoxing

Xie Liwei

Tongji University, Shanghai, China


Italian Identity and Chinese Identity

Zhao XiuYing,

BLCU Beijing


Humanistic origins of Creative Architecture

Giuliana Limiti

Universita’ di Roma III, Italy


Identity, a double vision in a generative process

Enrica Colabella

Generative Design Lab, Department of Architecture and Planning

Politecnico di Milano University, Italy