1985 M.Sc. degree at the Department of Building and Architecture
at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
1996 Ph.D. at the Eindhoven University of technology.
Thesis: Communication in the Building Industry: A strategy for implementing
electronic information exchange.
1985 to 1987 Software engineer at W&B Software.
1987 to 1996 I.T. Manager of the Department of Building
and Architecture
1997 to 2001 Associate Professor in the Design Systems
group of the Faculty of Building and Architecture at Eindhoven University
of Technology.
2001 to present Chair of the Design Systems group of
the Faculty of Building and Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Research expertise: Computer Aided Architectural Design, Product and Process
Modelling, Design information storage and retrieval, VR technology and Interfaces,
CAD tools and Sketch tools, Geometric modelling in Architectural Design, Knowledge
Based Systems
Educational activities: CAAD and Design Methodology course for first years
students, Capita Selecta course for graduate students, ICT module in the Post
Doctoral programme on Architectural Design Management Systems
Management activities: Chair of the Design Systems group, Management of
the research on the Design and Decision Support Systems.
Author of more than 30 publications that have been presented on international
conferences. Member of 13 PhD committees. Project task leader in Brite Euram
project. Vice chair of CAAD Futures foundation.