Euro-China Exchange: Technology and Culture of Generative Design Approach

REPORT 1st year
Workshop in Milan Dec. 2003
Seminar in Beijing Apr 2004
Report May 2004
Seminar in Rome Jul 2004

Quarterly Updates


Contract reference N. ASI/B7-301/98/679-10 (Asia-Link Programme)

Project Title: Euro-China Exchange: Technology and Culture of Generative Design Approach

Name of Beneficiary: Politecnico di Milano, coordinator Prof. Celestino Soddu

Period covered by this Quarterly Update: 2 October 2003 – 2 May 2004.

Due date of this quarterly update:  2 May 2004


I. Introduction and description of activities

The last five months all the activities were implemented following the schedule revisited in last Intermediate Technical Report. In particular:


  1. The planned workshop was held in Milan in December 2003, with a large participation of European and Chinese postgraduate students and PhD – doctorate students. The list of people is in the website
  2. The December 2004 workshop was followed by the participation of all partners to the 6th International Generative Art Conference in Milan and the presentation of speeches and papers concerning the researches running in the established Generative Design Labs in Tianjin, Shanghai, Kassel and Eindhoven. (see
  3. After the Chinese holidays of New Year, the activities were implemented with the seminar “Identity&Design” held in Beijing in April together with an exhibition of generative projects located in Tianjin, Shanghai and Beijing.  Besides the European and Chinese partners, other Chinese universities participated to the “Identity&Design” seminar.  Following that, the deans of these universities (Xi’an, Hunan, Shanghai Univ.) asked to participate to the incoming new Asia-link activities.
  4. The Generative Design Lab of Politecnico di Milano has implement the first part of a structured study for the promotion and management of operative projects based on generative design approach in China. The study program, with a business plan related to generative design opportunities in China, was presented and discussed in the 6th Generative Art conference in Milan in December 2003.
  5. The first experimental master course in Macau, funded by the city of Macau, opened to Asian graduated students, in particular Chinese, planned in last September, will start up after the Chinese new year holidays in 2005, and will involve post graduated students of Chinese universities. This master will be realized with a semester in Macau and a semester with a stage in the involved European universities. The coordinator is Prof. Celestino Soddu, Generative Design Lab of Politecnico di Milano (the coordinator of this Asia-link programme), The topic is the Generative Approach in the management of Town Identity. This activity, realized without the financial support of Asia-link, is the natural continuation of Asia-link programme and is self-sustainable, as requested by the program.
  6. The next 7th generative Art Conference GA2004. We made and sent the call for papers and all GDLabs are working to prepare and present their papers next December in Milan.
  7. After some difficulties concerning the activity 6, applied projects in the field of architecture and town design, we are finally working in some real possibilities in Shanghai and Tianjin, verifying the work of common teams, European and Chinese.
  8. The website is implemented and upgraded.
  9. A meeting with all partners is planned the 24 July 2004 in Rome.


In the meantime I asked to the EC to enlarge the duration of the project until the end of 2004 (from 2 October 2004) for planning the final presentation of all implemented activities in the incoming Generative Art Conference (14-15-16 December 2004).

The incoming scheduled activities are: a seminar/workshop in Rome at the end of July, a workshop in China in September and a workshop in Milan in December followed by the participation to the 7th International Conference GA2004 where we planned to present a report of the activities done with Asia-link program n. 10.


II. Description of the subsequent activities

According to the original project proposal, the tasks to be conducted include:

  1. Activity 1: Generative Design Center/Lab.

GDLabs are fully working with different projects and identified participants.

Other Chinese universities asked to establish Generative Design Labs in their departments.

  1. Activity 2: Thesis supervision.                                                                                                 The exchange supervision among all the partners was established and it’s working with double supervisors, European and Chinese.
  2. Activity 3: Summer courses.                                                                                                   The second summer course in Europe is planned as Seminar-Workshop in Rome the 23-31 July 2004 with the participation of around 20 people from Chinese Universities and 20 people from European Universities. The selection of participants is running now.
  3. Activity 4: Workshops.                                                                                                          The design topics for the workshops in China, is in the final phase.  We identified some “real” projects in Tianjin (Austro-Hungarian and Italian District) and in Shanghai (the ancient town Shaoxing) concerning Architecture and town identity and a real competition in the field of Industrial design. The planned date is 13 September in Shanghai and in Tianjin.
  4. Activity 5: Joint Research programs for PhD and Master.                                                       The activity is going ahead through the common work of European and Chinese researchers. This collaboration was improved with the competition “Idea as Code” that was created and implemented during the workshop in Milan in December 2004.  We defined research teams with together European and Chinese postgraduates and doctorate students. The results-posters of these collaboration and of the common research approach are in the website. The results-posters of these joint researches were also presented to the Generative Art Exhibition in the exhibition hall of Politecnico di Milano University during the GA2003 International Conference. Using this experience, we defined the international competition “Idea as Code” opened to international students. The call for proposals is in the website with the deadline of the end of August 2004 and as price, for European and Chinese participants, the participation to next GA2004 conference and exhibition in Italy.
  5. Activity 6: Applied projects in China. Finding real applied projects in China was a real problem. Now some proposal, like the Austro-Hungarian and the Italian district in Tianjin and the ancient town on the river Shaoxing, near Shanghai, were defined and we are using this occasion for case studies in the workshops and for real design proposal to be realized by a jointed team of European and Chinese researchers.
  6. Activity 7: The Call for paper for the next International Conference Generative Art GA2004 was made by the Milan Generative Design Lab. All the GDLabs are preparing their own works to present papers to the conference in December 2004. We asked to the involved Labs/researchers to present at the GA2004 something different from the participation of the last year.
  7. Activity 8: the Website of Asia-link program was established and upgraded  New exhibitions on Generative Design were realized in China (Italian Embassy of Beijing and Changsha, Hunan University) and are planned in Hong Kong next month. A series of presentations of Asia-link program and its results was realized in other Chinese Universities in the last two months: Xi’an Architecture and Technology University, The School of Design of Hunan University, Quinghua University, Shanghai University and, besides the mainland China, at Macau University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Particular Activities of: Generative Design Labs:

Organization activities of Generative Design lab in Milan:

  1. Call for paper of the Generative Art Conference 2004 (December 2004)
  2. Planning and organizing the incoming GA2004 and its site
  3. Implementation of the website of The Asia-link programme
  4. Implementation of the business plan of the generative opportunities in China with mutual interest Europe-China
  5. Planning the master in Macau for post graduated Chinese architects and engineerings, concerning generative approach in town identity.
  6. Preparing and managing the workshop in Milan, December 2003, the seminar Identity&Design in Beijing 14-15-16 April 2004, the exhibition in Beijing and Changsha, April 2004.
  7. Managing the incoming summer course (seminar and workshop) in Rome July 2004


The scientific Activities of all Labs are presented in the papers published in the proceedings of GA2003 and in the website

In particular:


Visionary Aesthetics and Architecture Variations

Celestino Soddu

Director of Generative Design Lab, DiAP , Politecnico di Milano University, Italy, and coordinator of Asia-link programme n. 10


Checking interactive generated design against distributed objectives

Aant van der Zee

Bouke de Vries.

Gerative design Lab., Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.


Very small Elements in very large Arrays

Prof. H. E. Dehlinger, Dipl.-Ing., M. Arch., PhD.

Kunsthochschule Kassel, Generative Design Lab, University of Kassel, Germany.


A Step towards a General Tool for Generative Design

Dipl. Inform. Univ. Guenther Doerner

Genestics - Germany

Dipl. Des. Univ. Oliver Endemann

Genestics – Germany


Evaluation of opportunities in applying generative design approach for unique objects production

Giovanni L. Soddu,

Sergio Rossi

GFG Partners, Rome, Italy.

For Asia-link program, Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University



Daniele Gugelmo Dias, Ms

Assistant Professor - School of Music- University of Rio Grande do Norte/Brasil

Stage in Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University


Code, a password to infinite

Prof. Enrica Colabella.

Generative Design Lab. Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Preservation of urban historical region with generative design

Dai Ming, Ph.D Candidate

Generative Design Lab, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University


Random Digital Clouds – A Generative Art Approach

Dipl.Des. Markus Schein (PhD cand.)

Generative Design Lab, Department of Product Design, University of Kassel, Germany

Christine Krüger

Department of Product Design, University of Kassel, Germany


Breeding new designs. The use of morphing algorithms in design computation

Dipl. Des. Ole Werner

Generative Design Lab, Department of Product-Design, University of Kassel , Germany.


Research on the Object on GD Application in Furnature-Designing Area

Liu Zhaoxi

Generative Design Lab, Tongji University,Shanghai,China


Higher or Denser? A Debate Aided by GD on the Historic Urban Texture Conservation of a Typical Commercial Region in Shanghai

SUN Chengyu

Generative Design Lab, Campus of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China


Ganerative Design Of Chinese Pagodas

Zhang Yijie Doctorand

Tang Zhong Senior Engineer

Generative Design Lab, Tongji University, Shanghai, China


An Automatic Generation System of Hip Roof

Building and Case Study

Prof. Wang Bowei

Generative Design Lab, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Zhang Leyan, Master

Generative Design Lab, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China


III. Other Issues

The implementation is following the planned schedule. The last September meetings/workshop in Cina were followed by the seminar in Beijing of the last April, as second part of the same item. The workshop held in the last December in Milan was implemented in substitution of the summer course of 2003, postponed for Sars. The next steps, the summer course in July in Rome and the workshop in September in China are planned following the original schedule. The request of enlarging the duration of the program from October 2004 to December 2004 will be useful for planning a workshop in Milan in December 2004 and the participation to the 7th International conference GA2004 where we intend to present the final report of our programme to an international audience.


The coordinator of the Asia-Link programme

Prof. Celestino Soddu